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Andrew Huberman

Imagine starting your day like a world-renowned neuroscientist. Dr. Andrew Huberman, the brilliant mind behind groundbreaking research in brain development at Stanford University, has meticulously crafted a daily routine that optimizes his cognitive function, physical well-being, and overall productivity. Let's dive into the fascinating world of Dr. Huberman's daily habits and uncover the secrets to his success.

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Morning Routine

5 - 6 am Wake Up.

Dr. Huberman's day begins with a natural awakening, typically around 5:00 or 6:00 AM, eschewing the jarring sound of an alarm clock. This gentle start sets the tone for a day of peak performance.
"Waking up early, usually around 5:00 or 6:00 am helps you feel more energized and focused throughout the day. Additionally,  early mornings are beneficial for regulating circadian rhythms, which can help to improve sleep quality."
Dr. Huberman

Morning Routine Hydration

Drink 2 glasses of water.

Drinks AG1 by Athletic Greens (Buy here)

Drinks LMNT (Buy here)

“I’ve been using AG1 since 2012 because it’s the simplest, most straightforward way for me to get my basis of important vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.

6:45 am - Sun Exposure

2-10 minutes of sunlight exposure while walking for optic flow

Optional: Use an artificial light if the sun has not yet arisen. Get sunlight when it is available.

7am - Cold Exposure

Cold exposure can be done as an ice bath or a shower. Ice baths have been shown to be more effective but cold showers can work too.
Resilience: 1X weekly, 1-3 min
Metabolism: 2X weekly / 11 min total
Recovery: 3-6 min after training
How cold? “I really want to get out but can stay in safely”. (~45F or ~7C)

"Personally get tremendous benefit from doing deliberate cold exposure three times a week and using the walls method"
"I'm staying in for anywhere from two minutes to six minutes per session and that averages out to about 11 to 15 minutes total per week."

7:30am - Workout


Sunday – Endurance;
Monday – Legs;
Tuesday – Heat/cold cycling;
Wednesday – Torso push/pull;
Thursday – High effort, short cardio;
Friday – High-intensity interval training
While it's important to customize the routine to fit your personal needs, be sure to maintain the overall goals of the schedule. The specific days of each workout can be adjusted, but it's important to maintain proper spacing between exercises.


Workout Schedule

Monday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1 hr lower body strength training.

Tuesday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1 hr zone 2 cardio.

Wednesday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1 hr upper body strength training.

Thursday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1  hr zone 2 cardio.

Friday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1 hr lower body strength training.

Saturday: 10 mins stability exercises + 1 hr zone 2 cardio + 30 mins zone 5 intensity.

Sunday: 10 minutes of stability exercises + 1 hr of zone 2 cardio+ 30 mins upper body strength training.

Dr Hubermans workout schedule

Workout Supplements

Official supplements by Momentous Supplements as Endorsed by Dr. Huberman

Use promocode Routines15 for 15% off on the Momentous Website.

Alpha-GPC by Momentous (buy): 300mg, 30-60 minutes before key workouts. Alpha-GPC promotes the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory, attention and skeletal muscle contraction. It has been shown to increase power output in athletes.
Tyrosine by Momentous (buy): 500mg, 30-60 minutes before key workouts. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that can increase the production of dopamine and related neurotransmitters that positively impact energy, motivation and mood. Thus, L-Tyrosine is a powerful tool for enhancing exercise performance.
Creatine by Momentous (buy): 5g daily. Creatine is a molecule that stores high-energy phosphate groups that ultimately lead to the regeneration of ATP, the primary energy carrier in the body. In thousands of studies, creatine has been shown to effectively increase exercise performance.
Grass-fed Whey Protein by Momentous (buy): 40g, 30-60 minutes after workout. Whey protein is a well-absorbed source of protein that is useful for post-workout fueling. Research shows that consuming whey protein benefits muscle gain and fat loss, particularly post-workout.

Lunch Routine

Dr. Attia usually eats a chicken salad mixed with vegetables, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Other Occasional Meal Choices

  • Seven hard-boiled eggs, an avocado and 2 oz of cheese.

  • Two liters of a homemade super starch shake, named "Peter Kaufman," made with heavy cream, zero-sugar almond milk, a package of chocolate super starch, 2 tbsp of almond butter, an additional 20 g of whey protein, and frozen strawberries.

Peter Attia recommends intermittent fasting, particularly the 16/8 fasting method, for longevity proponents.

Dinner Routine

Dr. Attia’s dinner varies, but he tracks it with an app to meet his goals.

  • One option is a huge salad with one pound of salmon, and berries for dessert.

  • He also enjoys an omelet with six eggs, cheddar, veggies, steamed broccoli, and almond butter.

  • Curry stir-fry with tofu, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, and squash is another favorite.

  • Steak or salmon with a meat-free salad is on his dinner list too.

  • Occasionally, he savors seaweed salads, sashimi, a California roll, and specialty rolls.

Dr. Attia’s Snacks:

Occasionally snacks on macadamia nuts, or an apple with nut butter.

Reading Routine

Books on Dr. Attia’s bedside table:

1- Historical Nonfiction:

 Red Notice by Bill Browder.

2- Self-Improvement:The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

1) Historical Nonfiction:

Red Notice by Bill Browder.
“I’m always reading about something that happened. Reading about remarkable events, things that we can’t really fathom could happen until they do, is a constant reminder to think outside my comfort zone and contemplate possibilities that many might dismiss as impossible. The current book I’m reading is Red Notice by Bill Browder.”

2) Self-Improvement:

“I’m usually reading something to make me better. The current book is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I’m wired in such a way that I can’t help but try to know more each day. I’m always working on how to efficiently and effectively share knowledge and its limitations, and the books in this category help sharpen the saw."

Sleep Routine

Dr. Peter Attia has developed a supplement cocktail to enhance sleep quality. However, he does not take all of these supplements every night, except for magnesium. He customizes his intake based on his specific sleep needs each night.

Daily supplements:

Magnesium aids in quicker sleep onset by activating calming neurotransmitters in the mind and body. It not only facilitates faster sleep but also promotes deep and restful sleep by acting on the central nervous system.

Dr. Attia suggests taking Magnesium L-Threonate as a supplement to enhance sleep. L-Threonate acts as a magnesium transporter, aiding its absorption by crossing the blood-brain barrier.

Occasional supplements to sleep early 

“I keep a few sleep aids by my bed to use when needed. I occasionally take phosphatidylserine, to lower adrenal output and to supply some of the commonly deficient nutrients associated with sleep.” 
Scientific research has demonstrated the effectiveness of phosphatidylserine in reducing cortisol levels. If you encounter difficulty in managing stress before bedtime, incorporating a phosphatidylserine supplement could be beneficial.



  • Dr. Attia prioritizes 8 hours of sleep each night for optimal well-being.

  • His effective sleep routine involves targeted supplements and sleep protocols.

  • He utilizes the OOLER Sleep System(Alternative) and uses Gunnar Blue-Light Blocking Glasses to enhance sleep quality.

  • Dr. Attia relies on the Alaska Bear Sleep Mask for complete darkness during sleep.

  • Hydration is key, and Dr. Attia recommends a Hydro Flask bottle by his side.

  • To track and improve sleep, he suggests using the Oura Ring.


Dr. Attia's Gunnar Blue-Light Blocking Glass

“Something else I read this month pertains to my obsession with stressing the importance of slow wave sleep (SWS) in our patients…and we’re constantly looking for ways to improve it. Here’s some evidence that the efforts, such as blue light reduction before bed: I use a pair of computer glasses from Gunnars, are worth it.”

Dr. Attia on OOLER Sleep System

“Indeed, I am a big fan and now own 3 to be sure I can have a cool sleep almost every night. Game Changer in NYC where it's hard to control room temperature in the old buildings.”

With the OOLER Sleep system, you can ensure precise temperature control for your mattress throughout the night, regardless of any fluctuations in the room temperature.

Dr. Attia on Alaska Bear Sleep Mask 

“Incredible darkness in the actual room at night or using, I use this thing called the Alaska Bear Eye Shade. It’s like you can buy it on Amazon. It’s like this little silky Alaska Bear. It’s the stupidest name ever. I don’t know why. I love it though. I have 20 Alaska Bears because I have them everywhere, so I’m never without one.”

Dr. Attia on ChiliPad Cube

“While the ChiliPad Cube itself may not be on my bedside table, the unit that attaches to the pad is on the table, and together all this gear allows me to regulate the surface temperature of my mattress. I keep it at about 56 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The lowering of our body temperatures at night is a cue for our brains that it’s time to go to sleep and increases the proportion of time we’re in delta-wave (translation: deep) sleep.”

Dr. Attia on Hydro Flask bottle

“I like to keep water by my side, in a Hydro Flask bottle, for replenishment and to wash down the occasional supplements before bed.” 

A Hydro Flask will help keep the water cool all night long.

Dr. Attia on Dexcom G5 Mobile CGM System

“My phone is nearby, but not visible, to sync with the Dexcom G5 Mobile CGM System. This device continuously monitors my blood glucose and provides streaming feedback on my health interventions.” 

Dr. Attia on Sleep Tech - Oura Ring 

“Quality of sleep may be just as important as quantity, and the Oura Ring claims it can tell you how much deep sleep, REM sleep, and light sleep you’re getting, along with a bunch of other variables and data points, like how much time you’re awake, heart rate variability, body temperature, pulse, and more.”

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